
26.–29. septembrini laotus seitsmendat korda üle Tallinna disainiloomingut tutvustav festival Disainiöö, mis üllatas eraldi moeprogrammi olemasoluga.

Tartus algavad Iisraeli filmipäevad

Tartu Elektriteater koostöös Iisraeli saatkonnaga Helsingis näitab pärle Iisraeli filmikunstist. Filmipäevad kestavad 11.–13. novembrini Elektriteatris (Lai 37, Tartu Uue Teatri majas) ning nende päevade jooksul saab näha häid näiteid Iisraeli viimaste aastate filmivaramust.

Riidekapp: Jüri-Ott Salm

Kui tihti uusi asukaid kappi – ja kapist välja – kolib? Kuidas asjad kapis aja jooksul oma nägu ja tegu muudavad? Ning mis teeb mõne kapiisendi vahel nii eriliseks, et kui kõik teised lahkuvad, siis tema jääb? Riidekapi ust paotas Jüri-Ott Salm.

New Estonian Beat: Wick Blaze

Wick Blaze is beat from Hiiumaa. Wick Blaze is a mood. Wick Blaze is an attempt at translating thoughts and emotions into music, to transmit experience through sound.

Still from the Julia.

Controversial routine in modern Lithuanian documentary

Starting from 7 November, for the eleventh time European film forum “Scanorama” will prove just how strong Lithuanian documentary is. Four documentary films will be premiered during the festival – three merely by Lithuanian directors (“Cenotaph”, “Final Destination”, Tricolour”) and one Lithuanian-German co-operative film (“Julia”).

European film forum “Scanorama” in Lithuania

“All that I want, is to hold your hand once again, and then, I will go home and leave you in peace” – one might hear a quote from Swedish film “Bellevile Baby”. “I want you to understand me less and love me more”- echoing voice is heard from 1980 British drama “Bad timing”. That is how intimately films, which are so distant in time and space, communicate. Stories and destinies of these and dozen of other films’ talks are to be presented in the upcoming European film forum “Scanorama”. From 7 November, for the eleventh time - overcrowded cinema halls in four cities throughout Lithuania.