DJ-questionnaire: Ats Luik

...Müürileht's birthday party – I dimmed the lights, left the smoke machine on and played...

One of the “Ērenpreiss” models. Publicity photo.

Bicycle. Made in Latvia.

This has been the second year a Latvian enterprise “Ērenpreiss Original” took part in the world’s biggest bicycle trade exhibition “Eurobike” in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Although the loudest, it is not the sole name in Latvian bicycle and their accessory manufacturing. Veronika Viļuma offers a look at already known as well as less famous players in the field.

Üks isemoodi TEDx konverents

Läksin TEDxTartule kerge eelarvamusega, sest USAs 1980ndatel algatatud konverentsisari, mille esialgseks eesmärgiks oli üllas mõte jagada erinevate teadusvaldkondade vahel ideid, on nüüdseks muutunud globaalseks brändiks. Kasutades teadusblogija Jevgeni Morozovi kujundit, on TEDist saanud omaette ökosüsteem, kus raamatutest saavad kõned, kõnedest meemid, meemidest projektid ja nendest omakorda uued kõned ning raamatud.

Review: Deerhunter – Monomania (4AD, 2013)

It appears that whatever Brian Cox, the frontman of Deerhunter, decides to pursue, it will be touched by a strange genius. Be it the premiere of the title song from Monomania on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon where he used fake blood and bandages to created the illusion of a missing finger – a nod to his father who actually had recently lost a few fingers in a saw-related accident – or him performing concerts in girly frocks.

Review: Milo – things that happen at day / things that happen at night (Hellfyre Club, 2013)

The first time I heard Milo, I felt the same kind of elation that I felt for the debut album by The Streets – the freshness of the new and unknown, plus that special something that makes you want to listen to it again after the initial excitement wanes. However, unlike Mike Skinner, Milo's follow up to his debut (I Wish My Brother Rob Was Here), is still interesting and engaging.

New Estonian Beat: Tommy Cash

Word on the street is that there's a new talent on the Estonian hip-hop scene – Tommy Cash. His engines run on hiphop and in addition to having great rhyming skills, he’s also an accomplished dancer. He attracts attention and praise via presenting his talents on Soundcloud, the keywords here being his unique timbre and sense of rhythm.