
Design – adjective or verb?
Jonas Nobel: "Treat beauty as a political concept."

“Collar” for winter and summer bathing
Swimwear brand Collar presents its autumn–winter 2014/15 collection "Captured", inspired by the winter bathing ritual, which strengthens the spirit, preserves youth and invigorates the body.

Baltic Shoemakers
The combined length of the borders of the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is about 3170 miles. What sort of shoes could last that distance? We believe that ones made right here, in the Baltics.

Fashion label Paviljons’s “The Northern Hemisphere”
During the past Riga Fashion Week the concept store Paviljons for the first time declared itself a fashion label by demonstrating the autumn–winter 2014/2015 collection "The Northern Hemisphere", created by designer Līga Garda.

Nelli Nedre and games with kinesthesia
Nelli Nedre is a fashion designer from Saint Petersburg who, despite of her young age, has her own fashion brand Gills Clothes and who has been bound up with the buzzing world of fashion industry for many years now. Nelli will be showing her collection "Kinesthetic" at Fashion-Performance-Dance, an annual fashion competition held in Tartu, Estonia on the 3rd of May.

Karolina Konieczna – Transgressing corporeality
Karolina Konieczna is a young Polish fashion designer and one of those who will be presenting her new collection “Transgressing Corporeality” at this year's Fashion-Performance-Dance, an annual fashion competition held in Tartu, Estonia on the 3rd of May.

Bicycle. Made in Latvia.
This has been the second year a Latvian enterprise “Ērenpreiss Original” took part in the world’s biggest bicycle trade exhibition “Eurobike” in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Although the loudest, it is not the sole name in Latvian bicycle and their accessory manufacturing. Veronika Viļuma offers a look at already known as well as less famous players in the field.

Velodroom is trying to vie cyclists around the world with a smart bicycle light
Tartu-based start-up Velodroom is trying to vie bicyclists around the world with a new smart light, which switches on by itself when you go for a ride, adjusts to ambient light level and flashes a bright stop-light while braking.

Start-up Spotlight: Viks Bicycle
The Estonian bicycle brand Velonia has introduced the Viks, an urban commuter bike with a striking design and uniquely shaped frame. Indrek Narusk, the creator behind Viks, answered our questions.

Trash to Trend
www.trashtotrend.com - a platform for recycling and redesign - creates trends through responsible design.