
Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti ‒ Mature Themes (4AD, 2012)
Ariel Pink has been one of those (increasingly numerous) artists for me whose concept(s) are considerably more exciting than the execution itself. And I’m one of those people in Pink’s (numerous? or dwindling?) audience who finds his lo-fi records more interesting even though I’m not particularly keen on lo-fi in general.

Mike Huckaby: a Dance Music Legend from Detroit
Arguably an essential chapter of modern dance music history – Mike Huckaby is a trendsetter, scholar and an unwearying advocate of Motor City. Mike is a legendary DJ and producer, who through the years has acquired an encyclopedia worth of knowledge of music and is keen on sharing it with the world. Using only his iPhone for communicating with the rest of the world, Mike gave us some brief answers about his current state of mind.

Interview: C.A.R.T
Drum & Bass music in Estonia doesn’t get huge hype and is only concentrated around small underground groups of music goers. In this very case Denmark was a twin sister to Estonia only four years ago, right to the point C.A.R.T crew was established and started its magic. 2 DJ’s and 2 MC’s started playing every Thursday night on Christiania Radio, right in the heart of Copenhagen’s small, but noble place - Freetown Christiania.

Prince Rama – frolickly apocalyptic
Wader mananged to chat with Brooklyn-based Prince Rama, a duo of sisters Taraka and Nimai Larson whose latest album Top 10 Hits of the End of the World, released by Animal Collective´s Paw Tracks imprint, has the duo performing as "10 different pop bands that died during the apocalypse, channeling the ghosts of each one to perform the various songs".

Review: Hexvessel – No Holier Temple (Svart Records, 2012)
The story of this band and this album can be told as a storyline for an imaginary Scandinavian horror flick – a group of drug abusing hippies go to the woods to find equilibrium, and then...

Review: Zebra Island – Saturnine (I Love You Records, 2013)
I remember very clearly the first time – when and where – I heard Zebra Island. It was a couple of days before Christmas 2011 and I was working late at the office with deadlines about to drop. Feeling tired and train-wreck-y, I decided to look up a nice song to listen to on the internet.

Review: 5loops – 2013LP (Superbandiit Records, 2013)
I have a pretty vague recollection of my first visit to an MC-battle in Von Krahl, but what I do remember is the sad and comical confession by Tartu MC s'Poom that one should not smoke a too big of a spliff before a battle. What's left of this nightmare now is but a foggy moment in history, for me as well as for the then rather unknown MC.

Flow festival announces My Bloody Valentine, Grimes and many more
The legends of alternative rock, My Bloody Valentine, hot on the heels of their praised comeback album, electro artist Grimes and many other acts have been added to the lineup of the Flow Festival.

Avasaxa – Post-rock for the Dance Floor
Finnish trio Avasaxa music is vivid and inspired by the nordic breeze and beauty. Getting influences from Slavic language and also from gnostic sci-fi vibations, the music remains danceable, but could still be categorized as post-rock. Lassi Peltoniemi throws a light on the band.

Review: Kapitan Korsakov – Stuff and Such (KKK Records, 2012)
What makes a good band great? When the collective unconscious gets channeled, inexplicably they are singing directly to you. Somehow your innermost thoughts are bursting from the face of someone better looking and more alive than you. Then you know its love and you found your band.

Review: Autharktos – Skyscrapers Wrapped Up In Vines (2013)
I can't put my finger on what it is exactly – is it me, the sound arrangement, or the timelessness of the latter, but I have noticed that every time I have listened to Skyscrapers Wrapped Up In Vines by Autharktos, the thoughts in my head wander more than usual, reverberate and revolt.

Zebra Island is releasing their debut album Saturnine
Estonian Dream pop band Zebra Island is happy to announce their debut album Saturnine, which will be released on Monday, on the 1st of April.