
Arvustus: Schuiten-Peetersi psühhogeograafiline urbanism
François Schuiteni ja Benoît Peetersi „Brüsel” on suurejooneline ja läbi mõeldud retrofuturistlik kunstiteos, mis avab linnaplaneerimise seoseid inimeste heaoluga ning ähmastab utoopia ja düstoopia piirjooni.

Arvustus: Lõunapakkumine ehk Menüü tunniajaseks näitusekülastuseks
Tallinna arhitektuuribiennaali peanäitus „Söödav” rohib, juurib, hakib ja serveerib ideid toidu tootmisest ja tarbimisest, nende tegevuste jaoks loodud söödavatest ruumidest ja sellest, mis juhtub, kui mõelda arhitektuurist kui ühest ainevahetusprotsessi osast.

Architecture is a public art
"For someone who doesn’t like to be busy with the past, architecture is a difficult profession," says renown architect Willem Jan Neutelings.

Commercial Lasnamäe
After the fall of the Soviet Union, commercial shops in the basements of multi-story buildings started to appear in Estonia. Though time has passed, passers are still greeted with massive doors and signs with very clear key messages: groceries, shoemaker, hairdresser... Together, they are subtly reflecting the realities of that time.

Attitude to act
Public spaces are the most exciting thing to design – the parks, squares and streets as much as the gaps, the left-over and forgotten spaces. They are exciting because within them, we meet other people – both familiar faces and strangers.

Between nostalgia and future-thinking
Follow-up of the XI Urban and Landscape Days "Socialist and Post-Socialist Urbanisation: Architecture, Land Use and Property Rights" in Tallinn, May 8-11.

Turning the tables
Jonas Elding is a partner and architect at Elding Oscarson architecture office in Stockholm. Their works combine experience from employments in Sweden and Japan, covering both local and international architecture, from large projects to small ones – museums, theaters, private houses, interiors, furniture, and product design. Veronika Valk had a chance to pose him a few questions.

The ripple effect
Peter Murray: "Conceive a better world and then convince people that this is the world they want to live in."

Knowledge is the power: interview with Hans Ibelings
Hans Ibelings: "The architect as a strategic programmer of people, money and sites is maybe a more viable road than just designing buildings."

Design – adjective or verb?
Jonas Nobel: "Treat beauty as a political concept."

Powering up – interview with Ranulph Glanville
Ranulph Glanville is an architect, composer and artist as well as a cybernetician. Veronika Valk explores what kind of a person lies hidden behind all these titles and the multiplicity of fields he is involved with.

Behavioural formation – time, latency and uncertainty
Theodore Spyropoulos: "Architecture is an environment for intellectual and spatial interrogation."