
21st century Estonian architecture – 20 remarkable buildings
To a stranger – a wondering eye in a new country – architecture can be a window to the country’s past, present and future. We compiled a selection of remarkable Estonian architecture from the recent decades, which represents a new, forward-looking and confident Estonia.

Ootamatud ühendused. Intervjuu Anouk De Clercqiga
27. veebruaril pidas Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskonna külalislektorite sarjas loengu Anouk de Clercq – belgia päritolu kunstnik, kes on õppinud Gentis klaverimängu ja Brüsseli Sint-Lukase kunsti- ja disainikolledžis filmikunsti. Tema tööd, millest nii mõnedki on üsna arhitektoonilised, uurivad arvutikeele väljendusvõimalusi audiovisuaalses maailmas.

Oleg, Nikolai, Alexandre, Lea, Vita Pictura, ELAST, Gorõ Lana, Elve and Vlad
Estonian photographer Annika Haas teamed up with Maria Derlõš to portray the residents of the most populous administrative district of Tallinn — Lasnamäe.
Prof. Matthew Zook (Kentucky University) gives guest lecture at Tallinn University
Prof. Matthew Zook (Kentucky University) gives a guest lecture titled "Space, Social Media & Society: Mapping the Digital Landscapes of the Bronze Soldier" at Tallinn University on 28 March at 12.15, room M-648.

Searching for the shape of symbiotic living
The Estonian Academy of Arts, Faculty of Architecture has been running public guest speaker lecture series since 2011. One of the key speakers during the fall semester 2013 was Tor Inge Hjemdal who is a Norwegian architect and currently an editor and partner at CONDITIONS magazine.

Future, food and other feasible utopias
Walter Nicolino, a partner and architect at Carlo Ratti Associati (CRA), recently visited Tallinn to give a talk as part of the guest speaker lecture series at the Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture. This posed an excellent opportunity to ask him a few questions, as his office is involved in design projects on various scales and on different continents, among them the 2500 square meter Future Food District in the heart of the Milan 2015 Expo site.

City, Interrupted – Detroit
Are there any solutions in sight for Detroit, cradle for the US automobile industry, today a majestic urban failure? “As Detroit Flounders, Its Art Scene Flourishes,” says a headline in the New York Times. Can arts propel economic development in Detroit, as it has to, for example, in Bilbao, Spain?

Urban skiers taking on the terrain of Detroit
Poor Boyz Productions ‒ a Californian production company dedicated to action sports films, has taken street skiing to Detroit's abandoned spaces.

Camp Pixelache 2013: mobility, diversity and resonance
The recent Pixelache Helsinki Festival, in its 12th edition, purposely spread its participants across the Gulf of Finland from Tallinn to Helsinki and from Helsinki to Tallinn, as well as from Tallinn to Naissaar island and back.

Gallery: Protsessifestivaali in Helsinki
„Process“ (prosessi in Finnish), an urban scape and street art festival centering around an international exhibition by the same name, took place in Suvilahti, Helsinki on June 12th. Notably, one of the main promoters and curators behind the festival was a fellow Estonian.

Home in Berlin
Who of us doesn’t have an emotional reaction when hearing the name Berlin? Oh, Berlin – the historic, tortured, but powerful city which today is one of the biggest magnets of culture in Europe, comparable to Paris, London or New York.

Berlin, Zwischennutzung, gentrification and public participation
The past decade has been characterized by a boom of urbanism. Buzzwords, such as ‘grass-root urban initiatives’, ‘participation’ and ‘creative districts’ have become hip, actual and important. Berlin is still often cited as an example of being cool, creative and livable – as if Berlin was implementing the heritage of Jane Jacobs directly in its urban development strategies.