2 tulemust otsingule Harro Rannamets
6. juuni 2018
Uni kapitalismi ei kõiguta. Vastupanu peab tulema kapitalismist endast
Õigusteaduse magistrant Sven Anton ütleb Lacanile, Žižekile, Hegelile jt toetudes, et antikapitalism on samuti ideoloogia, mille väljendajad tahavad tihtipeale võtta märtripositsiooni.
11. detsember 2014
Gust Van den Berghe – man who made Lucifer
Gust Van den Berghe´s career has been a collection of successes with titles such as "Little Baby Jesus of Flandr" and "Blue Bird" achieving major critical praise. His new film "Lucifer" is bound to follow the same steps. We could not let the chance to sit down with him slip out of hand to discuss his vision and work process.